We develop mindsets 
leaders combined

We believe that every individual has the capacity to think for themselves and resourced to realise their full potential – the resources are at every individual’s disposal – talents, skills, strengths, energy, and time – to enable them to achieve their goals – whether it be in their personal or professional life.

To maximise your potential and be the best at your job or whatever you set out to achieve efficiently and in a productive manner, there are certain barriers that must be addressed, which are often personal. Under our personal effectiveness programme, we have put together courses that we believe to be the top skills for Today’s World. Our programmes are designed with the belief that these key skills will make a difference to personal and professional success.

Psychological Safety

Amy Edmondson who first coined the term psychological safety defines it as “… a shared belief held by members of a team that it’s OK to take risks, to express their ideas and concerns, to speak up with questions, and to admit mistakes — all without fear of negative consequences” – “it’s felt permission for candor.” If people believe that they won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes they are more likely to learn and improve their performance.

This one day course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to cultivate and sustain a psychologically safe workplace.

Emotional Intelligence

In today’s world the ability to manage one’s emotions is considered a valuable skill where collaboration and connectedness is critical to the success of personal and professional lives. Emotions have a greater influence on how we behave and make decisions than rational thought.

Emotionally intelligent people understand their own feelings and the feelings of others around them. Emotional Intelligence differentiates the top performer from the average employee. Exceptional performers have high levels of self-awareness and, not only manage themselves, but also understand and work effectively with others. Emotional Intelligence helps people identify, understand and manage the emotional demands of challenging situations.

This one-day course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of emotional intelligence and equip them with practical skills to apply in various aspects of their lives:

Building Resilience

Change is the constant in Today’s World. The changes that impact individuals and organisations can be stressful. Some people approach them with confidence, facing change and challenges with resilience.  Others back away slowly into a corner and become anxious and stressed at the mere thought of them. We look at how to cope with these adverse situations. It’s not about what is happening to you, but how you react to it. It’s about your resilience.

This course addresses the connection between resilience and our ability to work positively. It explores the physical, emotional and mental aspects of sustaining optimum levels of energy and pressure, to help you to remain focused and deliver high performance.

Critical Thinking

In today’s world, the ability to interpret, evaluate, and analyse facts and information that are available, to form a judgment or decide if something is right or wrong is a key skill for essential personal and professional growth.

More than just being curious about the world around you, critical thinkers make connections between logical ideas to see the bigger picture. Building your critical thinking skills means being able to advocate your ideas and opinions, present them in a logical fashion, and make decisions for improvement.

Critical thinking skills are crucial for making informed decisions, solving problems, and developing innovative solutions. The overarching goal for this one-day course is to equip participants with the skills necessary for critical thinking, enabling them to approach challenges with a thoughtful and analytical mindset

Growth Mindset

In Today’s World which is constantly changing, a growth mindset is critical to navigate this new world. Our mindsets are shaped by our set of attitudes, beliefs and assumptions which we use to respond to situations and influences our behaviour and decision-making. The work of Carol Dweck (2017) has provided as with insight into the two mindsets that are at play that we navigate in life: growth and fixed mindset. Alternatively, we can refer to these two mindsets as boom or bust. 

A growth mindset is the core belief that we have an infinite capacity to improve, grow and develop. Developing this mindset is essential to face the challenges of the new world and the future – a world that is unpredictable and uncertain. Knowing that you are capable of overcoming anything that is thrown at you will support you to achieve your aspirations. It will also help you to live up to your full potential, as you will extract the maximum value from every experience, challenge, and setback. 

Personal Branding & Impact

The ability to present a positive image in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world requires us to be intentional about building a personal brand that is aligned to our aspirations.

Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room. Whether you realise it or not, you’re building a personal brand through your daily activities and interactions. It is the combination of your skills, the values you present, and the impression you leave on others. While actively building your personal brand may seem like a selfish endeavour, it’s far from it. It’s an empowering choice. Doing so can give you control over your professional development, network, career, and overall well-being. It can even make you more visible.

Brands are built over time and through reliable and quality services or products with intentional strategies to protect their values. 

This one-day course will equip participants with essential skills to quickly and effectively define, communicate and enhance their personal brand.

The Psychology and Language of Excellent Customer Service

The definition of excellent customer service has changed over the years with the inception of digital delivery service and what many observers of excellent service have coined the “Amazon effect”. Customers world over have become accustomed to expect quality delivered at high speed. The demand on those that deliver customer service has never been greater and the need to be able to respond with a positive mindset and a language that connects with the high expectation is what sets the excellent service givers apart from those that are average. 

Our mindset and our language of service contributes to how our customers experience the service we give them.

This one-day course will not only help you understand the importance of your mindset and the language you use in driving excellent customer experience but will also inspire you to deliver the best service and apply the learning to your personal interactions